De mulți ani, lubrifianții LOTOS Oil sunt sinonimi cu soluții dovedite, moderne, capabile să îndeplinească cele mai riguroase standarde tehnologice.
5 500 de angajați deservesc clienții mulțumiți din 84 de țări din întreaga lume, în diferite regiuni climatice și pe aproape fiecare continent, cu mii de tone de uleiuri și unsori livrate în fiecare an.
Datorită abordării oneste și de încredere a calității produselor, lubrifianții LOTOS au obținut omologări ale producătorilor de top de motoare și echipamente industriale precum FLENDER, ALSTOM, SIEMENS, DENISON-PARKER.
Plastifianții LOTOS sunt utilizați în fabricile corporațiilor de anvelope din Germania, Republica Cehă, Serbia, Ungaria și Coreea de Sud.

Gears oils
LOTOS TRANSMIL CLP - For medium and heavy industrial gearboxes and other equipments that require oil with improved oil film load resistance. Ashless additives ensure extended service intervals and system cleanliness.
LOTOS TRANSMIL SP - For industrial gearboxes and machines operating in very harsh conditions. These oils provide improved lubrication and have anti-corrosion and antioxidant properties.

Guides and slideways oils
LOTOS GUIDE RC - Lubricants for machine tools: hydraulics, feed and gearboxes, guides. Very good adhesion to the surfaces being lubricated. It does not emulsify in contact with cooling emulsion.

Heat transfer fluids
LOTOS HEATING G35 - Heat transfer oils with high thermal stability and excellent oxidation resistance.

Hydraulic oils
LOTOS HYDROMIL L-HV BA and LOTOS HYDROMYL L-HM BA - Product series are ultra-modern PREMIUM hydraulic oils created in cooperation with the manufacturer of hydraulic systems and equipment BOSCH-REXROTH. Other approvals: PARKER DENISON and EATON.
LOTOS HYDROMIL SUPER - Hydraulic oils recommended for drive systems and hydraulic control systems exposed to extreme loads and humidity. They contain a special set of ash-free additives that ensure extended intervals and cleanliness of systems.
LOTOS HYDROMIL L-HV - Hydraulic oils recommended for heavy duty drive systems and control systems exposed to extreme weather conditions and systems that require a quick start at low temperatures.
LOTOS HYDRAX HLP Hydraulic oils used in heavy duty power transmission systems as well as hydraulic actuation and control systems.

Compressor lubricants
LOTOS CORVUS - Oils for air compressors and tube compressors, approved by INGERSOLL RAND and ATLAS COPCO.

Turbine oils
LOTOS REMIZ - Turbine oils available in various formulations for use in gas, steam, water or wind turbines.

Mould oils
LOTOS FORMIL - For lubricating moulds as a parting agent during production of cellular concrete. Produced in multiple viscosity grades, depending on the method of application for the mould.